Iacampo – Fructus- Iacampo


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Fructus is Iacampo's new album, splendid and with great emotional impact.

Fructus deals with major thematic cores. For example, there is the sense of sacredness toward the creative, poetic, musical act.
For Dostoevsky "beauty will save the world," for Iacampo a good song will be enough.

Iacampo and Fructus: message of the album

The singer-songwriter compares himself to a deserted field waiting to be made fruitful by the arrival of a melody, a song.
This already happens in the album's first track, Fiore del deserto, which also features the voice of the singer-songwriter's daughter in the opening.
The magical act of poetry saves the world because it makes, precisely, the soil fruitful not only for songwriter but for all listeners.
The arrival of new music makes one have an "open heart," to have the soul prepared to welcome love. This is the strong thematic core of the record.
Only in this way can Love come as a force that makes us change, to take a conscious jump
Then come the new life, the one in which our inner Demons will finally be silenced.

Fructus presents itself on two fronts. On the one hand it is the album of Sacredness (the Sacredness of Song, the Sacredness of Love and the Sacredness of New Existence).  On the other hand, it is the album of rebirth, of the possibility of building a new existence.
A spring album, of a spring that already tends toward summer.
Except that then the risk of returning to the Shadowlands is always just around the corner. It is a matter of a moment. 

Anni Luce is the only totally acoustic track and it is also a piece where optimism seems to disappear.
A kind of Angel comes flying in called by the cry of pain, with the knowledge that it will, however, bring more misunderstanding, more blackness to cross and fire where it can rise or burn inexorably.


  1. Il Frutto del deserto
  2. La Vita Nuova
  3. Le mie Canzoni
  4. Dormi fino a un giorno nuovo
  5. Dividi il pane
  6. Così buono
  7. Un Giorno Splendido
  8. Fiore di Campo
  9. I Demoni
  10. Riva
  11. Anni Luce